Navigation Tips

Readers can navigate the site by using either the top menu or the Table of Contents on the right (or bottom of the screen if you use a hand-held device). The top menu includes introductory material, references, images, and a link to read the book as a single, continuous text. The Table of Contents provides access to the introductory material, chapters, and appendices as separate, distinct entities.

Please note that navigation in blogging software is the opposite of what readers would expect from a printed book. The navigation arrows at the end of each chapter will point readers to the next chapter, but will appear as if the movement is to a previous item. Rest assured, it’s not. Readers will proceed to the next chapter by clicking the navigation option.

If the seemingly backwards navigation is bothersome, use this page to consult the text as a single, continuous work


To search the book, use the search box located on the right (or bottom of the screen if you use a hand-held device). The search engine will indicate the chapter where the term appears, but it won’t highlight the exact location. In order to find the exact location of your search term, use your browser’s ‘Find in Page’ function.

Happy Reading!–Allyson